Although China has a right to defend its sovereignty when its political system is under attack, it can also do a better job of responding to specific U.S. complaints. Take, for instance, the empty American contention that we haven‘t done enough to fight climate change. To safeguard the environment, China is paying a stiff economic cost. We have closed polluting factories, which has led to layoffs and workers in need of retraining. The difficulties China is going through in service to a healthier planet need to be shared with the entire world.
1十年创VS校门创胡玮炜,1982年生人,2004年 毕业于 浙江大学城市学院新闻系,2004-2014年先后就职于每日经济新闻、新京报、腾讯、IT经理世界、商业价值、极客公园。2014年7月创立极客汽车媒体,担任CEO;2015年1月,创立摩拜科技,开启了共享单车的事业。
The reality is that the U.S. has been the main long-term beneficiary of globalization. U.S. multinationals have earned huge profits. And there’s no doubt that Americans‘ prosperity and high living standards have been helped by low-cost overseas manufacturing, low-priced imports and the global circulation of dollars.